Sunday, March 5, 2017

Professional Hopes and Goals

 This course made me learned more new things about myself. Just as well as me learning about my biases affect in working with young children, understanding more about different cultures and families. As I think about working with many young age children and different families from so many different backgrounds of life styles. My main goal is to respect and cope with a great understanding of diversity, equity, and justice.  I truly will want the different families, young children and any of the staff that work in a public school.  I would want them to have feel very comfortable with me just as well as me working with many staff members on an everyday work hour and parents feel that their children are safe with me. Plus, I would like to reach to the goal of having my parents trust by being involved in seeing that their children succeeding in learning academically not in non-threatening environment.

I would like to give suggestion of thought to people in early childhood field is that by being a teacher I would agree before they enter the field that people in this major should read the book for course anti-bias education text book. This book has helped me out so much by understanding different kinds of information in working with young children and different families. The text book for this course is more like a guide in directing me to become a better person in the field of early childhood.

I would like to give a thanks to my colleagues for the positive comments throughout this eight weeks. This course has given me an experience to share from this class and from everyone. I wish each and every one success in reaching their goals and dreams.