Sunday, March 4, 2018

Wrapping Up

Walden University course EDUC 6357  has been both challenging and exhilarating.  It has stretched my mind and my emotions.  I have discovered things about myself that I didn't know, both for the good and for improvement.  I have enjoyed learning about myself and about diversity.

     One hope that I have when I think about working with children and families with diversity is that I will show them unconditional love and acceptance, even when I may not agree with the choices that they may be making.  I want them to experience respect from me so that they feel they can be themselves.  I want what's best for my students and their families; I want my students to feel that school is a safe and comforting place where they feel loved and accepted.

     A goal that I would set for the early childhood field regarding diversity and social justice is that each classroom would reflect the personalities and cultures of the students within.  I would like to see each classroom be a happy, cheerful place, with color and pictures and toys that express the diversity of the students.  My daughter recently started as a lead teacher in a toddler room.  The previous teacher did not make the room a happy, comfortable place where parents would want to bring their children.  She is using pictures of the students around the room, art projects and posters to improve the atmosphere and make it feel more like a home for her students.  By simply rearranging the classroom she has made both the paras and the parents feel that their child is being well cared for and accepted.  It makes me sad to think that there are many classrooms in the field that are like that one was originally was.

     I would like to thank my colleagues for their supportive comments in the discussion boards and blog assignments this semester.  They have helped me realize that I may not be where I need to be regarding diversity within my classroom, but I am on my way to making diversity a priority with my students.  I have enjoyed reading their posts and answers to discussion questions as well.  Together we are learning.  We may not change the world, but we can change the lives of the students we are privileged to teach.

Creating Art

I am not an artist in any sense of the word!  This is a difficult assignment for me because of that.  My creativity seems to be limited to projects preschoolers can make!  So I decided to take a little different path.  I have read some beautiful prayers that were like poems.  I can't rhyme either, but I think I can develop a prayer poem that illustrates my journey through becoming more anti-bias.  I don't want to offend anyone, but I believe in Jesus and God the Father so that's who I pray to.  Here's my creation...

Father, help me to see

To see those whom You love.

You have created all things and all peoples

From every part of the earth

You love them all.

Jesus, You call me to love too

Not just those who are like me

But those who appear different than what I am used to.

When You walked this earth You didn't see differences in people.

You saw through the eyes of love all the diversity You created

And You saw them all.

Rich, poor, old, young, beautiful, broken, Jew, Arab, Roman, Gentile and every other ethnicity

Varying abilities physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually

You treated every person with respect and love...(except the Pharisees who had hearts of hate).

Father, give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that is tender toward those that You love.

Let me be able to acknowledge the beauty in differences

Let judgment have no place in my life.

Grow me, unsettle me, transform me into what You would have me to be.

Let truth and justice be on my lips, spoken in love.

Thank You for the beauty in the peoples You have created

Help me to see, love, and teach about that beauty to all the little ones You've entrusted to me

And their families as well.

Thank You for loving me to radiate that love to everyone You bring across my path.
Amen.r different than what I am used to.

When You walked this earth You didn't see differences in people.

You saw through the eyes of love all the diversity You created

And You saw them all.

Rich, poor, old, young, beautiful, broken, Jew, Arab, Roman, Gentile and every other ethnicity

Varying abilities physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually

You treated every person with respect and love...(except the Pharisees who had hearts of hate).

Father, give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that is tender toward those that You love.

Let me be able to acknowledge the beauty in differences

Let judgment have no place in my life.

Grow me, unsettle me, transform me into what You would have me to be.

Let truth and justice be on my lips, spoken in love.

Thank You for the beauty in the peoples You have created

Help me to see, love, and teach about that beauty to all the little ones You've entrusted to me

And their families as well.

Thank You for loving me to radiate that love to everyone You bring across my path.
