Sunday, May 21, 2017

Communication styles

Consider what you have been learning about communication skills and styles. Then record an episode of a television show you do not normally watch. Watch the show with the sound turned off.
  • What do you think the characters' relationships are based on the ways in which they are communicating?
  • What are they feeling and expressing based on the nonverbal behavior you are observing?
Now, watch the show with the sound turned on.
  • What assumptions did you make about the characters and plot based on the ways in which you interpreted the communication you observed?
  • Would your assumptions have been more correct if you had been watching a show you know well?

This was a very interesting and eye opening assignment.  I chose to explore "The Big Bang Theory" sitcom.  With the sound turned off, I would of never guessed the characters were friends and in a social circle.  Their facial expressions were extremely interesting and powerful without words.  Based on nonverbal behavior, I would assume the characters were in constant confusion or disagreement over something.  I noted body language of being uncomfortable, having mistrust, or dislike and the plot was difficult to decipher.  When I watched the episode again with the sound the plot was extremely clear and facial expressions/ nonverbal cues seemed to match the verbal communication and exchanges.  If I had been watching a show I knew well, I would have been able to more clearly decipher the communication without verbal cues. 

1 comment:

  1. Tracy,
    I wonder if genre matters. I chose to watch a dark comedy rather than a sit com, and noticed that my assessment of most of the interactions were accurate. However, have you ever noticed how sit com actors engage in pretty exaggerated expressions and actions? This adds to the humor, I suppose, but it may, as you noticed, also be somewhat misleading.
    This experience reminded me of my first sign language class. The most difficult part for me was not the signs, but rather learning to facially express in, what i felt was, a somewhat exaggerated way what I was trying to communicate.
    Thanks for sharing your experience!
